Our First Featured Entrepreneur for December 2022 is Ms. Cassandra Brown, Cause Entrepreneur.
Give hope. Make an Impact. Nourish the future. 10% of every purchase will benefit the nonprofit organization of your choice. To date, this has resulted In over $9 million dollars of impact, effecting change In areas such as water, health, hunger and education.
Visit their website to view their offerings and make your purchases https://www.onehopewine.com/myshop/theperpetualvine
When you select Linking Partnership Opportunities Foundation as your nonprofit 10% of your purchases will be donated to the Foundation.
All transactions are strictly between the buyer and seller.
Linking Partnership Opportunities Foundation, Incorporated, its Directors and Members assume no responsibility/liability for transactions.

Our Second Featured Entrepreneur for December 2022 is Mrs. Miranda F. Smith, Social Worker, Actress, Author.
Mrs. Smith's children's book, James Does Pay Attention, is about a young boy of color who has trouble in school. His teacher is upset. His mother is sad because James can't sit still in class. Eventually, he is diagnosed with a condition, and meets a teacher who helps him learn how to study in new ways! The book is available at
When you purchase at AmazonSmile and choose Linking Partnership Opportunities Foundation as your selected nonprofit .05% of your eligible purchases will be donated to the Foundation.
All transactions are strictly between the buyer and seller.
Linking Partnership Opportunities Foundation, Incorporated, its Directors and Members assume no responsibility/liability for transactions.